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OptecNet Deutschland e.V., the national association of the regional innovation networks Optical Technologies and Quantum Technologies and the regional innovation networks Optical Technologies condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine. We express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and absolutely support the sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia.
In order to help Ukrainian refugees in the current situation and to show to some of them a temporary or permanent professional perspective in the German Photonics industry OptecNet points towards the online job portal with numerous up-to-date job offerings in high tech companies and institutes in the photonics industry in Germany.
We cordially invite all job seekers with relevant qualifications and sufficient language skills (German and English) to visit our job portal with current open positions from high tech companies and research institutions throughout Germany.
All the best and good luck for your job search!


OptecNet Deutschland e.V., національна асоціація регіональних інноваційних мереж для оптичних технологій і квантових технологій, а також регіональних інноваційних мереж для оптичних технологій рішуче засуджують атаку Росії на Україну. Ми висловлюємо нашу солідарність з українським народом і повністю підтримуємо санкції, запроваджені ЄС.
Щоб допомогти біженцям з України в нинішній ситуації та запропонувати їм нові тимчасові чи постійні професійні перспективи в галузі фотоніки в Німеччині, ми, OptecNet Німеччина, щиро запрошуємо всіх шукачів роботи з відповідною кваліфікацією відвідати наш портал вакансій з численними актуальними оголошеннями про роботу в галузі високих технологій від компаній та науково-дослідних установ по всій Німеччині.
Бажаємо Вам всього найкращого та успіхів у пошуку роботи!

About OpTecBB

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. is the competence network for optical technologies and microsystems technology in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. OpTecBB e.V. is an initiative of companies and scientific institutions in Berlin-Brandenburg which aim to explore and use these technologies together. OpTecBB e.V. was founded on 14 September 2000 by companies, research institutions, universities and associations with the support of the responsible state ministries of Brandenburg and the Berlin Senate. Today the association has around 115 institutional members.

OpTecBB is active in (1) photonics and quantum technologies for communication and sensor technology, (2) optical analysis, (3) lighting technology, (4) biophotonics and ophthalmic optics, (5) laser technology, (6) microsystems technology.

OpTecBB supports (a) the securing of skilled workers, (b) foreign trade promotion/trade fairs/internationalisation, (c) start-up support, (d) location-based marketing, PR, (d) political consulting, lobbying.

OpTecBB, as a registered association, is represented by a board elected by the general meeting. The OpTecBB office supports the work of the association and the board. With its partners Berlin Partner and WFBB, OpTecBB is mainly responsible for cluster management in the Photonics Cluster in Berlin and Brandenburg.

OpTecBB is a member of OptecNet Germany e.V., the association of all German regional competence networks for optical technologies. All members of this umbrella organisation can benefit from Germany-wide cooperation, international contacts and joint trade fair participation.

OpTecBB is cooperating with SPECTARIS in all matters relating to foreign trade, regulatory affairs, and industry marketing. 

OpTecBB is a member of EPIC - European Photonics Industry Consortium and is active in PPP Photonics21.

OpTecBB is working on the following projects for the wellbeing of its members: (1) Berliner Programm für Internationalisierung "PHOENIX III", (2) EU Horizon 2020 project "CARLA" (2) Horizon 2020 Projekt PHOTON HUB EUROPE, (4) Go-Cluster Project PhoSenWOOD


Innovation networks

OptecBB is part of OptecNet Germany e.V., the nationwide association of the seven innovation networks for optical technologies in Germany.

OptecNet Deutschland e.V.

The federal association of Germany's seven regional optical technologies innovation networks.


Hanse Photonic e.V.

- is the regional competence network for optical technologies in the North of Germany


OpTech-Net e.V.

Since 2001, the OpTech-Net e.V. has supported companies, universities and research institutes in the field of optical technologies in North Rhine-Westphalia as an innovation network.


Optence e.V.

- The photonics network in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate focussing on optical manufacturing, metrology and laser technology.

Photonics BW e.V.

The innovation network for optical technologies in Baden-Wuerttemberg.


bayern photonics e.V.

Good ideas need good contacts.


optonet e.V.

represents 100 players of Thuringia´s photonics industry and offers a platform for networking and cooperation


PhotonicNet GmbH

the name says it all: we are the innovative photonic s network in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.



Title Date Seats
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

Mitgliederversammlung OpTecBB e.V. 2024

Agenda 15:00 - 15:30 Regularien, Begrüßung, Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit und Tagesordnung, Genehmigung des Protokolls der Mitgliederversammlungen vom 22.01.2024 (Prof. Schell)15:30 - 16:00...
City: Berlin

06.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 Enough seats
Logo OptecBB e.V./ Berlin Quantum

BarBQ im Leap (Februar)

Im Rahmen von Berlin Quantum möchten wir die Quantenbegeisterten Berlins zusammenbringen:   BarBQ findet monatlich am zweiten Dienstag über den Dächern Berlins, im Leap, statt. Von Oktober-April...
City: Berlin

11.02.2025 - 11.02.2025 Enough seats
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

5. Treffen des AK O&O

Agenda: 14:00  Begrüßung mit Getränkeversorgung14:30  Kurze Vorstellungsrunde der Teilnehmer15:00  Was gibt's Neues / Interessantes?            u.a. Bericht von w3+ Jena und Photonics...
City: Berlin

17.02.2025 - 17.02.2025 No seats
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

5. Treffen des AK O&O

Es gibt noch keine abgestimmte Agenda, die folgt Ende Januar mit der Erinnerung. Grob geplant ist: Begrüßung und FirmenrundgangKurze Vorstellungsrunde der TeilnehmerWas gibt's Neues /...
City: Berlin

17.02.2025 - 17.02.2025 Enough seats
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

Working in Photonics

What can I do after my degree? Can I work in Berlin / Brandenburg? What kind of tasks will I get in my first job? We would like to address your questions about career options for physicists with a ...
City: Berlin

04.03.2025 - 04.03.2025 Enough seats
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

Workshop Advanced Optics Production

08:30   Anmeldung & Begrüßungskaffee Adaptive Fertigung 09:00 "Willkommensgruß", Gunnar Böttger, Fraunhofer IZM Teil I: Neueste Trends der Optik-Fertigung 09:15 „3D-Multimaterial-Druck für...
City: Berlin

06.03.2025 - 06.03.2025 Enough seats
Logo OptecBB e.V./ Berlin Quantum

BarBQ im Leap- Sonderedition: Female Leaders in Quantum Physics (März)

Im Rahmen von Berlin Quantum möchten wir die Quantenbegeisterten Berlins zusammenbringen:   BarBQ findet monatlich am zweiten Dienstag über den Dächern Berlins, im Leap, statt. Von Oktober-April...
City: Berlin

11.03.2025 - 11.03.2025 Enough seats


Here you will find current news from companies, universities, research institutes and the eight regional Innovation Networks for Optical Technologies in Germany.

Eine neue Generation von Event Timers und TCSPC Units.

Mit dem erfolgreichen Assessment haben wir unter Beweis stellen können, dass wir...

Mini-Kameras für die Medizintechnik

There were 4 eventful days with more than 400 participants, 100 national and...

The Aalen School of Applied Photonics (AASAP) is a multidisciplinary...

The Quantum Effects 2024 trade fair is in the starting blocks: Messe Stuttgart...

hema electronic GmbH awards prizes for final theses in the field of embedded...


OptecNet offers Germany's only job board with information about career opportunities in the photonics industry.




Logo PicoQuant GmbH

#814 - Forschungsleiter (m/w/d)

PicoQuant GmbH | Working location: Berlin | 16.01.2025
PicoQuant is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacturing of high quality photonic components and instruments for a broad range of scientific applications. With more than 25 years of...

Logo Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI

Ausbildung Mikrotechnologe/ Mikrotechnologin - Start: 01.09.2025 - Kennziffer: 76771

Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI | Working location: Berlin | 16.01.2025
Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ( betreibt in Deutschland derzeit 76 Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen und ist eine der führenden Organisationen für anwendungsorientierte Forschung....

Logo PicoQUant GmbH

#813 - Technical Support Engineer (m/w/d) im Bereich Optoelektronik

PicoQUant GmbH | Working location: Berlin | 20.12.2024
PicoQuant is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacturing of high quality photonic components and instruments for a broad range of scientific applications. With more than 25 years of...

Logo PicoQuant GmbH

#812 - Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Bereich Feinoptik/ Physikalisch-Technischer Assistent

PicoQuant GmbH | Working location: Berlin | 20.12.2024
PicoQuant is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacturing of high quality photonic components and instruments for a broad range of scientific applications. With more than 25 years of...

Logo PicoQuant GmbH

#811 - Produktmanager (m/w/d) Photon Counting/Timing

PicoQuant GmbH | Working location: Berlin | 17.12.2024
PicoQuant is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacturing of high quality photonic components and instruments for a broad range of scientific applications. With more than 25 years of...

Logo PicoQuant GmbH

#809 - Entwickler (m/w/d) für wissenschaftliche Software

PicoQuant GmbH | Working location: Berlin | 17.12.2024
PicoQuant is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacturing of high quality photonic components and instruments for a broad range of scientific applications. With more than 25 years of...

Logo Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI

Mikrotechnolog*in Halbleiter / Photonik - Kennziffer: 75627

Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI | Working location: Berlin | 13.12.2024
Die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ( betreibt in Deutschland derzeit 76 Institute und Forschungseinrichtungen und ist eine der führenden Organisationen für anwendungsorientierte Forschung....