ZIM AgriPhotonics Virtual Workshop

As part of the cooperation between Germany and Israel (ZIM), an online conference on Advanced Agriculture and the integration of Photonics in it, will be held on September 8, 2020.

The goals of the conference are to promote mutual acquaintance of those engaged in Advanced Agriculture and those who specialized in Photonics, in both countries, to create an arena for examination of business opportunities and to promote industrial and academic collaborations.

The organizers of the conference are: OpTecBB e.V., Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) - the Volcani Center and Photonics Israel - a competence network for optical technologies in Israel.

Conference schedule:

Morning Session - 10:30 - 13:00 UTC +3 (09:30 - 12:00 CEST)

Afternoon Session - 14:00 - 17:30 UTC +3 (13:00 - 16:30 CEST)

Conference language: English




Morning Session

10:30 -  Opening Words
10:40 - 
Prof. Gera, Chief Scientist - Ministry of Agriculture
10:55 -  Prof. Altstein,
Adv. Agri. - ARO, the Volcani Center, Associate Director for Academic Affairs

  • "Optical acquisition challenges in agriculture data mining", Dr. Klapp , Scientist - ARO
  • "Digitization in Horticulture", Prof. Zude-Sasse, Scientist - ATB Potsdam
  • "The new GMOS gas sensor for Ethylene monitoring", Yossi Levi, CEO, Todos technologies
  • "HAIP -Usr-friendly Hyperspectral Imaging Solutions for the greenhouse and on drones", Mr. Tobias Kreklow, CEO, HAIP solutions GmbH
  • "Remote sensing of plant physiology - ensing the heartbeats of crops with fine resoltuion spectral acquisition", Mr. Liran,  Principal Investigator, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute Ltd
  • "Near infrared ispection method", Dr. Wolter, Director, HIPERSCAN
  • "Can we assess what we do not see? Spectral sensing of crops", Dr. Herrmann, Scientist, Faculty of Agriculture, HUJI
  • "End-to-end artificial pollination solution by Edete", Mrs. Mimran, Founder & VP Business Development and Marketing, Edete

Afternoon Session
14:00 - "ZIM - The German SME funding instrument for joint R&D projects and innovation support", Mr. Nagel, Director International Cooperation, AiF Project GmbH - Project management agency of BMWi
14:10 - "Funding instruments for joint R&D proposals", Dr. Zeevi Balasiano, VP Technology Infrastructure Division,
Israel Innovation Authority

  • "Agrivoltaics concept: combination of photovoltaic panels (PVPs) with crops on the same land", Dr. Vitoshkin, Scientist, ARO - Volcani Center
  • "Agronomic Intelligence Supercharged by AI", Dr. Alon, Head of Sensing solution, SeeTree
  • "Providing the Essential Dataset for Sustainable Agriculture", Mr. Williges,  Co-Founder & COO, ConstellR
  • "Photonics in precision agriculture and food tech", Mr. RichardsonCEO,
    Photonic insights UG

15:15 - "Photonics21 in view of Horizon Europe", Prof. Ramponi, Professor at Politecnico di Milano & Photonics 21 Board member

  • "Development of CMOS sensors for diagnosis of a pathogenic fungus in agricultureal products", Dr. Eltzov, Scientist, ARO - Volcani Center
  • "The Organic Photovoltaic Greenhouse", Dr. Magadley, Scientist, Triangle Research and Development Center Integration of organic PV in
  • "Integration of NIR Unispectral technology into the crop inspection methods", Ariel Raz, CEO, Unispectral
  • "How to combine Software Engineering with UX-Designand and how a farmer benefits from this symbioses", Mr. Wingerath, Sales Engineer, Macio GmbH
  • "Taking Multispectral Sensing from NDVI to AI", Mr. Dvir, Co-Founder & CEO, Agrowing
  • "Vision diagnostics tools for precision agriculture", Mr.Gavish, Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, MyCrops Technologies Ltd
  • "Precision Agriculture: Orthomosaic, DSM, contourlines, NDVI, 3DModeling, Tree count and more", Mr. Behr CEO, Agro Drone
  • title tbd, Dr.Heerdt, Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH (UGT)
  • "Hydroponic Greenhouse", Mr. Hassel, CEO, Growponics
  • "Light-extracting photonic greenhouse envelope for augmented photosynthesis", Dr. Yin, Scientist, University of Colorado
  • "Spectral Remote Sensing - Optical challenges", Mrs. Lorin & Mr. Squires, Archer OpTx

Closing words, Shlomo Glazer, Photonics Israel Manager

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08.09.2020    09:30 o'clock - 16:30 o'clock

Tel Aviv


OpTecBB e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 25

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