[Translate to English:] Quelle: Hochschule Aalen/Samuel Burkart
As a key technology of the 21st century, photonics is an important research focus at Aalen University. In addition to the Centre for Optical Technologies and the Laser Application Centre, photonics is also addressed in teaching - both in the Bachelor's degree programme in Optical Engineering and in the Master's programme in Applied Photonics. Aalen University is now founding the "Aalen School of Applied Photonics" as an umbrella brand.
The AASAP forms a house, so to speak, in which all optics activities are united. The special feature: "We offer a consecutive training programme across all academic levels, which is also practice-oriented. Whether at Bachelor's, Master's or doctoral level, our students and doctoral candidates independently develop scientific questions, form hypotheses, select suitable subject-specific research methods and implement them. This enables them to acquire and deepen their specific expertise and gain both subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills," says Prof Dr Andreas Heinrich.
The Bachelor's degree programme in Optical Engineering trains everyone to become a professional in the exciting combination of light, technology, physics, computer science and electronics. The programme lasts seven semesters and offers three options, which you can switch between until the 4th semester. You can either study "regularly" or according to a kind of "dual" model - either at a cooperating company or at the Centre for Optical Technologies (ZOT) or the Laser Application Centre (LAZ) at Aalen University.
This is followed by a Master's degree in Applied Photonics. Studied conventionally, this includes lectures, laboratory exercises and projects five days a week over three semesters. Alternatively, it can be studied part-time, so that two days of lectures, laboratory exercises and projects and three days of work experience per week take place at an industrial partner or in a research centre (ZOT/LAZ) over four semesters.
After completing the Master's degree, students can complete a doctorate on a selected research topic at Aalen University, for example at the Centre for Optical Technologies. This sees itself as Aalen University's optics competence centre. The ZOT carries out basic and application-orientated research projects with industry or other university partners. The working groups conduct research on optics technology and robotics, light-matter interaction and lasers, micro- and nanophotonics, biophotonics and opto-electronics.
The entire AASAP sees itself as an optics community that lives its enthusiasm for optics, lasers and light at Aalen University and wants to develop it further both regionally and internationally.
The AASAP is characterised by its close link between academic education and practical application. We look forward to close cooperation with partners from industry and to being able to offer our degree programmes on a career-integrated basis.
You and your company can help to promote the training of the next generation of skilled workers. You will benefit from the talents and innovations that our graduates can bring to your company. As it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find skilled labour and our students are usually "spoken for" before they have completed their studies, we would like to draw your attention to special opportunities for you to retain students at an early stage:
You are welcome to contact us (https://www.hs-aalen.de/aasap)