Bitte um Mitwirkung: Umfrage zur strategischen Autonomie der Photonik am Standort Deutschland

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Marktforschungsunternehmen TEMATYS führt SPECTARIS daher eine Untersuchung zur strategischen, d.h. zur wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Autonomie der Photonik am Standort Deutschland durch. Ein wesentliches Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Bedeutung der Photonik für andere Schlüssel- und Zukunftsindustrien zu unterstreichen, darzustellen, welche Folgen ein Ausbleiben von Produkten der Photonik für diese Anwendungsbereiche haben könnte und daraus Forderungen in Richtung Politik abzuleiten, um insbesondere die wirtschaftliche Autonomie der Photonik zu stärken.


μMOPA – fully integrated into standard butterfly platform.

TOPTICA eagleyard will set a milestone in the photonic industry with the launch of the µMOPA that was nominated as finalist for the 2022 SPIE Prism award.

At this year’s Photonics West taking place in San Francisco from Jan 25th-27th TOPTICA eagleyard will introduce the µMOPA to the world. It’s an innovation that is already being valued highly by experts as this extraordinary product is nominated as SPIE Prism award finalist.
Our developers managed to create a unique product to bridge the gap between science and industry: For the first time a DBR laser and tapered amplifier are monolithically integrated on a chip with a standard 14 pin butterfly package. As a result, the complexity for usage is reduced significantly. In addition, the product is easily mountable due to the use of standard sockets while the circular beam profile is especially beneficial for fiber coupling and focusing.
The µMOPA will mainly be used in Raman spectroscopy and interferometry. Researchers at universities and institutes will benefit from this new variant as MOPA systems are more easily built up. In addition, the ease of use and the robustness of the package as protection against environmental influences enable a scalability for industry usage so that this innovation will lead to outstanding results and new applications along the value chain.

Major performance indicators are:
•    1064 nm
•    High output power (2 W)
•    Small spectral width (typ. 3 pm)
•    14 pin butterfly package
•    Very good SMSR (typ. > 50 dB)
•    Integrated beam collimation
•    Low residual divergence
•    Integrated thermal management by thermoelectric cooler and thermistor