Photonics Days 2025

The Photonics Days 2025 will take place on October 8 and 9 at the WISTA Event Center in Berlin-Adlershof.

We are expecting more than 400 participants, 100 national and international speakers, 36 exhibitors from all over Germany as well as the visits of our international political VIPs from Germany (Dr. Severin Fischer, State Secretary for Economy, Energy, and Public Enterprises) & Spain. 

This year's topics:
Berlin Laser Tech Symposium | Optical Design and Optical Simulation | Semiconductors and Heterointegration | BQQT-Berlin Quantum Quantum Technology | Opthalmology | Metrology on Nanooptics | Novel Applications of Modern Lighting Technologies | Photonics for Safety and Security | Solid Crystals for Photonic Applications Novel | Application on PIC

In addition to exciting lectures, a large exhibition and various networking opportunities the Photonics Travel Days were offered as part of the Photonics Week:
For registered participants, some of our members will open their doors and laboratories on October 7. On October 10, we will visit a prominent end user of Photonics and Microelectronics.

If you want to become an Exhibitor, Sponsor or Speaker please write us an E-Mail:

guenther(at) ( Mrs. Frances Günther, Event Organizer)

If you have other questions or concerns you can contact us at well!


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08.10.2025 - 09.10.2025
09:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr


WISTA Event Center, Rudower Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin


OpTecBB e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 25

+49 30 6392 1720

+49 30 6392 1729


Preis (zzgl. MwSt.)
Nicht-Mitglied: 0,00 €
Mitglieder: 0,00 €

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