Targeted training is the recipe for success in the development and application of technical innovations. In recent years, the number of continuing education opportunities in Germany in the area of optical technologies and microsystems technology has increased significantly. These technologies include laser technology, the manufacture of optical components and parts, optical waveguides, optical methods in metrology, and image processing.
Part-time continuing education in the Optics Cluster
OpTecBB e.V. organises and arranges continuing training courses for the Optics Cluster in Berlin Brandenburg. We work closely with our partners in the network to develop the best possible offer. Individual modules tailored to the specific needs of particular companies can also be developed and provided.
In addition to the large established companies, small and medium-sized companies also have the opportunity to qualify their own specialists in the field of optics according to their needs.
The continuing education courses in optics are aimed at university and technical college graduates who are active in the optical industry or related sectors.
The training for laser safety officers is aimed at safety specialists, engineers, technicians, master craftspersons and qualified employees who want to work as laser safety officers.
The teaching and learning contents are conveyed through seminar-style lectures with multimedia components and demonstrations, taking practical examples into account.