The following information contains the legally required information on provider identification, further legal information on the Internet presence of Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V., as well as other information.
Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V.
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 6392 1720
Fax. +49 30 6392 1729
Legal information on the organizational form:
OpTecBB is a registered association
Association register:
OpTecBB is entered in the register of associations at the Berlin-Charlottenburg District Court
under the registration number VR 20515 B dated January 24, 2001.
OpTecBB is legally represented by:
Prof. Dr. Martin Schell
Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, HHI
Deputy Chairman
Peter Krause
insenso GmbH
Dr. Kolja Haberland
LayTec AG
Two of these persons represent the association in and out of court.
Concept, design, technical implementation
Seitenmacher, Wörrstadt